Municipal Services


Loraas Disposal will collect household waste and recycling. Please see the collection calendars below:

AREA A 2025 Garbage & Recycling Schedule 

AREA B 2025 Garbage & Recycling Schedule 

Town Map Area A & B

Please not the following:

Household Waste:

  1. All waste must be propertly bagged and securely tied.
  2. Any rotten food must be double bagged and securrely tied.
  3. Cat litter and dog feces must be double bagged and securely tied.
  4. Please do not put recyclables in the household waste.
  5. The Town is actively seeking approval with NVWM to allow town residents to take their grass clippings and yard waste to the landfill at not cost. You may have to prove residency, such as a civic address.


  1. When putting boxes in the bin please break them down and flatten them. A list of materials that can be put in the bin will be posted.
  2. NVWM has a cardboard recycling bin and compactor next to the Town shop located at Company Avenue and 3rd Street. This is open to all residents.



New Household Packaging Accepted for Recycling

If you have any questions please call the Town of Fort Qu'Appelle at 306-332-5266.