SK Snowmobile Racing Association

Due to the weather, Loraas trucks were unable to collect garbage and recycling today. Trucks will be here to collect garbage in Area A and recycling in Area B.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
To review the policy click:
To reviw the application click:
Call the office at 306-332-5266 or email
With this big dump of snow, many of you are wondering the snow removal priorities. Please see the map.
Yellow - priority roads
Green - secondary roads
Public Works is working as quickly as possible to clear the snow. We thank you for your patience.
Prairie Co-op is committed to our journey to Truth and Reconciliation. We are very honoured to be working with artist Holly Yuzicapi to further our understanding of what Reconciliation means.
For more information please visit : CONTEST TIME DESIGN A JERSEY FOR FORT KNOX (
March 28, 2024 will be the final day of Rexentre activity, including the Walking Program. The Rexenter will be unavailable until further notice as we prepare for the installation of our new dasher board system! Thank you for a great season and enjoy your Easter weekend